glWindows - OpenGL projects in Delphi

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glWindows 5 February 2002
Description : OpenGL, Development, 3D, Source Code, GameHere is a simple library that will allow you to render windows with buttons, panels, checkboxes .. etc in your gl scene. The buttons and other objects have onClick methods and various other properties that can be changed at runtime. The skin for the GUI is loaded from a TGA file which you can create.

To use the windows library, simply add GUI to your uses clause and add windows and buttons, checkboxes, radiobuttons ... in the InitGUI procedure.

To see some of the features in action, click on the setup button. You can also drag the window around by clicking and dragging in the caption bar. The windows also have adjustable transparency. To demonstrate this I added to button to change the level of transparency.

For more info on modifying the gui, see the readme.txt file.
Download : 116 KB (EXE and Source)
Download : 36 KB (Stone and wood skin) Rename the file to GUI.TGA and run the app.

OpenGL I      OpenGL II      OpenGL III      OpenGL IV      OpenGL V
